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Give Your Child a Head Start!

Education is certainly key to success in the increasingly competitive world that we live in. With the two young kids that we have, we try to find the best educational options to give them a head start before they hit their grade school years. Parental involvement is vital to helping a child succeed educationally. There are many options out there, including online education sources, local pre-school, as well as fun apps and games that can help a child develop key skills and increase their cognitive abilities. This site is all about helping you explore those options and put them to work for your child.


Online High School: Signs Your Child Needs This Education

7 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Does your child struggle in school? Do they have a hard time balancing their lives and get all their schoolwork done at the same time? Does your child have issues with socialization, either by having few friends and feeling left out or by having too much of a social life so their schoolwork suffers? Online high school is something you can consider to help your child get and stay on track and graduate proudly. Read More …

4 Reasons To Enroll Your Kids In A Charter School

23 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Your children's lives will be shaped in no small way by the schools they attend. Schools help determine the quality of their education and also how kids relate to the world beyond the classroom. Many parents choose charter schools for their children because they think that will give them the best start in life. Consider these reasons you may want to consider enrolling your kids in a charter school.  Charter Schools Encourage Civic Responsibility Read More …

Four Tips For Choosing A Day Care Service

9 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

No one wants to be away from their child if they can avoid it, but the busy lives of most parents mean that 24/7 availability just isn't realistic. While you are away at work, you want your child to receive the best care possible. You don't simply want a day care service that watches your child; you want an enriching environment that will help your child to grow and socialize. While day care services are common, it can often be difficult to find the right service that will perfectly fit your child. Read More …

Educator-Approved Tips For Evaluating The Educational Quality Of Daycare Programs

28 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you want your child to have rich educational experiences and fulfilling days in daycare but you aren't sure what to look for when evaluating a program, then these tips will ensure you find just the right place for your little one to thrive. Tip: Evaluate the Physical Surroundings and Determine if They Promote Early Childhood Learning When you walk into a daycare, you should see signs of early childhood learning and not just toys and movies used to fill the children's' time. Read More …

How To Be A Good Parent When Your Child Takes Swimming Lessons

23 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

In virtually every type of youth sports, there are parents who set a good example and those who do not. When you enroll your child in swimming lessons, it's important that you act in a manner that will put yourself in the former category, rather than the latter. Although you may have some feelings of anxiety about your child taking part in a new activity, it's important for you to manage these feelings in a constructive way, rather than allow them to get the better of you and cause you to act in a manner that doesn't suit you or your child. Read More …